Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 1

I have intentionally left this quarter's blogging assignment for the last week of school. I have decided to document this week in detail, particularly focusing on the behavior of kids my age - studying habits, eating habits, exercise, temperament, sleeping patterns (obviously self-documentation will be easiest and probably most prominent). Yesterday was Monday. I got a little over six hours of sleep, had a bowl of cereal, packed my lunch, didn't do my hair, and was out the door. I showed up just in time for homeroom. My first two periods were free, and surprisingly, rather filled with schoolwork. I spent some time on the wiki assignment due that night, then watched my two friends basically memorize Tuesdays with Morrie for a small Death and Dying quiz; I, however, decided not to participate in the study session ("too tired"). I think I passed...? More free periods, lots of kids doing homework that was already due. Another surprise - none of my friends wanted to go outside, even though it wasn't raining. I was really hoping for some frisbee. People were not particularly bubbly. Probably just a case of the Mondays, but also I'm suspecting a little doubt in some people that we're actually going to graduate. This may be a long week.
After school, I forced myself to go to the gym, but only finished a little over three miles on the elliptical before I was done. I took a quick shower, shoveled in some dinner, and gave my dog a pretty pathetic excuse for a walk so I could bike to work and make it before 5. It was busy for a Monday evening, because it's the last week of classes at UD as well, so lots of students are hunkering down in their rooms and ordering from Wings to Go/Freddy's. Some of my coworkers are about to graduate college, and they were incredibly antsy during the slow periods - even more than me, and I'm basically dancing around behind the counter whenever I can get the chance. Possibly the highlight of my day was convincing my friend, Emily, who is home from college, to come order a late dinner and walk me home at 9. I find, oddly enough, that she, now a sophomore in college, is currently feeling the same kind of boredom and almost-anxiety that I am. This is because she's home, and already bored. She wants to feel the productivity that she was feeling a week ago. In my case, I haven't felt truly productive in months. So I got home, put some finishing touches on an assignment due at midnight, forgot to blog, gave my dog another gypped walk, did some pilates, and went to bed sometime after 11.

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