Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Military-supported Movement

There are several factors of the current protests in Cairo and Alexandria that amaze me. First of all, it was started by the youth, particularly students. The revolutionary ideals and spunk of this age group is nothing new after the world experienced the 60s, but I can't remember the last time they united an entire nation of all age groups. This proves just how valid and noble their cause is, if the clergy, elderly, and mothers are all following in the words of these young people. Also, I am surprised at the size of the movement in comparison to the frequency of violence. Although chaos in the form of looting and destruction ensued after the fall of security police, I have yet to hear of shots being fired across enemy lines, or bombs going off in large crowds off people. This can only result from everyone being on the same side - everyone except one man. Finally, I love that the military has agreed not to use force against the protestors. They were created under the government, and yet they are putting the people before the power. I hope Mr. Mubarak bites the bullet (not literally), swallows his pride and cowardice, and steps down as president, because that is the only way this movement can end as peacefully as it started. Injustice, in this case, is intolerable to all.


  1. Today just might be the day. I've been watching it streaming on AlJazeera English, and it is is inspiring......though the repercussions for the US may not be so wonderful. Nothing is ever simple.

  2. Sounds really cool, I literally knew nothing about the situation before this so it was an eye-opener. I don't have a side, but if an entire nation is going against you I think there may be some room for improvement. Maybe I don't know all the facts, but either way making the people happy is the number one job of the government in my eyes.

  3. I only knew a few facts before reading this. Things have gotten pretty crazy. I believe the president needs to resign now as well or the protests will not stop until the day he leaves office.

  4. check out the unemployment stats for this part of the world--really high, and it is all the young people who are unemployed. How differently they handle this than here in our recession!
